SB Success Factor Bundle Hub​

(Updated September 10, 2024)

Awwww, Yeah!

Hi! Glad you’re here — collabs are a key to our success. 😊

So, let’s work together to create win-win-win sitches for you, me, and our audiences. Sweeeeet!

Let’s make sure we’re on the same page in terms of terminology. For the context of SBSF bundles, here are some terms that’ll be used and how I’m defining them.

SBSF Bundle Terminology
  • Bundle: A collection of thematically related and curated resources that have been contributed by a select group of Contributors. Even if it’s not in the name of the bundle (that’s bundle with a small “b”) — like the Hit the Ground Running Giveaway and the Quick Wins Action Pack — it’s a Bundle.
  • Tier: A price/resources level (for Bundles with more than one option (e.g., $0 Tier with regular resources and a $27 Tier with additional premium resources))
  • Host: SBSF (That’d be me!)
  • Contributor: Anyone donating a resource to a Bundle.
  • Contribution (aka Gift): A resource from a Contributor that’s included in a Bundle.
  • Subscriber: Anyone gets added to our email lists by signing up for a Bundle.
  • Affiliate: Anyone who’s signed up (via ThriveCart) to promote SBSF Bundles (or other products) in exchange for compensation.

About The Bundles

Who doesn’t love bundles? In my book, they’re all-around awesome!

Anyway, here are some high-level details and links for the three SBSF Bundles — click the little toggle arrowhead to expand/collapse the info section for each Bundle. The Contributors’ Hub for each Bundle will have additional detailed info, swipes, etc. Feel free to bookmark these pages.

📢 Communicate Great (Freemium Bundle) — Oct 2024

Details that apply to just the CGBB + Links to Application & Contributors’ Hub (Updated: Sept. 10, 2024)


This free/paid Bundle aims to give small biz folx bit-sized, actionable tools, templates, and other resources to help them communicate better within and outside of their businesses.

There are 2 tiers for this Bundle so Subscribers can join at a price point that’s comfortable to them. As Contributors, I think this offers a nice balance of list building for volume (i.e., max # of leads) and quality (i.e., warm leads). (And offers an opp to earn a little money in exchange for the work and value we’re putting in.)

The Redemption Window is short by design.

  • It’s a small, focused Bundle. People should be able to explore/opt into gifts quickly.
  • We want folx to take action — actually claim and use the resources.
  • Timing’s a bit tight, but bundle-goers *will* get on your list before holiday season kicks into high gear.
Key Dates
  • Contributor Application Opens 9/12/24
  • Contributor Application Closes 10/11/24
  • Cart Opens 11/4/2024
  • Cart Closes 11/10/2024
  • Redeem By 11/24/2024
About the Bundle
  • Theme: Better Business Communications for Greater Biz Success.
  • Audience: Action-oriented small biz folx who’re actively seeking shortcuts and streamlining. They want to grow their awareness, knowledge, skills, and capacity.
  • Expected Reach: TBD
  • Bundle Prices: Free Tier – $0. Paid Tier – $9.
  • # Contributors: 20-30.
  • Contributor Cost: It’s free to participate as a contributor. No chip-in fees or anything.
  • Differentiators/Value Props: Small, manageable collection of laser-focused, curated items. All resources are focused, bite-sized, and actionable — designed for quick implementation and incremental-yet-meaningful results fast. Future rounds of this Bundle will include events/experiences to further distinguish it!
About Your Bundle Contribution
  • Contribution Price: Free Tier – Under $8.99 USD. Paid Tier – $9-$99 USD. (i.e., Value can be any amount, but the price you normally sell the contributed item for should be under $9 for the free tier and between $9-$99 for paid tier.)
  • Contribution Focus: Related to some kind (e.g., social media, videos, websites, speaking, podcasting, etc.) or aspect of business communications (e.g., process, planning, strategy, content management, working with outside creative help, etc.).
  • Contribution Type: Any resources subscribers can grab and hit the ground running with no “learning curve” time. Items that deliver specific, definable, quick results. Contributed item must be immediately available to the Subscriber.
    • Templates, forms, checklists, SOPs, swipes, tools, etc. are ideal.
    • Individual items, as in no bundles of usually-separately-sold items.
    • Bundles, toolkits, packs, etc. (i.e., collections of items that are already being sold together as a single product)
    • Stand-alone workshops or mini-trainings as long as they’re short (less than about an hour), pre-recorded/on-demand, and cover a single, well-defined topic.
    • No lengthy/complex/many-parts trainings/programs, memberships, subscriptions, 1:1 offers, future live events, or “pre-sells”. But, you can offer this as your Add-On.
    • Things that can be delivered instantly and that are scalable for you.
  • Contribution Exclusivity: Your Contribution(s) cannot:
    • Be something you’ve included in another bundle within a month of the Cart Open date. (Applies to your Paid-Tier Contribution only.)
    • Require a CC to claim your gifts.
    • Be excessively similar to or in direct competition with anything I currently offer.
  • Contribution Availability & Delivery: Because this is a condensed 1-round application process, your Contribution(s) must be ready to go when you apply. Your Contribution(s) must be instantly deliverable to claimants.
  • Add-Ons: Bumps, tripwires, upsells, downsells, cross-sells, etc. allowed as long as no CC is required to check out for your gifted Contribution(s).
  • This will be a super simple bundle hosted on ThriveCart/Learn.
  • Paid-tier bundle participants will get a gift tracker spreadsheet.
  • All contributors will get free access to the Paid tier.
  • You can sign up to be an affiliate. (If you have an aff program, I’ll request to sign up for yours and use an affiliate link on the bundle’s Gift Gallery pages.) This will maximize our opps to earn.
  • I’ll provide swipes and graphics. You’ll be required to do two promos (typically = 1 email + 1 social post).
  • Anyone who signs up to the Bundle will get subsequent reminder emails from me so they don’t miss key dates. However, you’re encouraged to set up your own follow-on welcome and nurture sequences or practice.
  • People who register for the Bundle and who claim my Contribution(s) will be added to my email list. Only the people who claim your Contribution(s) will get added to your email list.
  • PLEASE REVIEW THE REST OF THIS BUNDLE HUB PAGE FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS regarding things like Promo Requirements, Eligibility, Compliance, etc.

🏃 Hit the Ground Running Giveaway — January 2025

Details that apply to just the HtGRG + Links to Application & Contributors’ Hub (Updated: Sept. 10, 2024)


This freebie swap Bundle gives folx some shiny and new biz resources to start the year off strong. It aims to help them refocus after the holiday season, entice them to actually get sh*t done, and fulfill the year’s goals.

The timing of this Bundle is deliberate. We’re trying to reach people returning from holidays, vacas, travel, etc. We’re helping them shift gears and get back into a productive work mindset and action-oriented routines.

Key Dates
  • Contributor Application Opens TBD
  • Contributor Application Closes TBD
  • Cart Opens TBD
  • Cart Closes TBD
  • Redeem By TBD

There’s no Waitlist for this Bundle.

About the Bundle
  • Theme: New year, fresh focus, positioning for a productive year.
  • Audience: Action-oriented small biz folx who’re goal-oriented or trying to be so.
  • Expected Reach: TBD (2025 is the first year for this Bundle.)
  • Bundle Price: Free.
  • Coupon Code: None.
  • # Contributors: 20-25.
  • Affiliate Links: If you have an affiliate program, you must be okay with me signing up and using aff links to your Contribution (and Bonus Offer).
  • Differentiators/Value Props: This is prob going to be a no-frills, low-design bundle designed for people to get in, grab what they want and get out. This means the way Contributions will be gathered and shared is gonna be a little different and require a lot less heavy-lifting production! Stay tuned for details….
About Your Contribution
  • Contribution Price: $0. You’re contributing your no-cost freebie, lead magnet, opt-in. (i.e., Value can be any amount, but your Contribution must be a freebie — something you normally give away in exchange for a person’s name and email address.)
  • Contribution Category: Any. Learn More
  • Contribution Type: Any, but templates, forms, checklists, SOPs, swipes, tools, etc. are preferred.
  • Contribution Type: Any, but templates, forms, checklists, SOPs, swipes, tools, etc. are preferred. Resources subscribers can grab and hit the ground running with no “learning curve” time are best. Items that deliver specific, definable, quick results. Contributed item must be immediately available to the Subscriber.
    • No items that you usually sell.
    • No bundles of usually-separately-given items.
    • No lengthy/complex/many-parts trainings/programs, memberships, 1:1 offers, future live events, or “pre-sells”. But, you can offer this as your Add-On.
  • Add-Ons: Bumps, tripwires, upsells, downsells, cross-sells, etc. allowed as long as no CC is required to check out for the Contribution.
  • Bonus Offer: In addition to your freebie, you can have one featured Bonus Offer. This could be a special discount on a paid product, free bonus to a paid-for product, etc.)

🛍️ More Upcoming Bundles!

Bits and bobs about planned and potential future bundles (Updated: Sept. 10, 2024)

🎁 TBD Bundle (Paid Bundle) — March 2025

Details that apply to just the TBDB + Links to Application & Contributors’ Hub (Updated: Sept. 10, 2024)


This paid Bundle aims to TBD.

Key Dates
  • Contributor Application Opens TBD
  • Contributor Application Closes TBD
  • Waitlist Opens TBD
  • Cart Opens TBD
  • Cart Closes TBD
  • Redeem By TBD
About the Bundle
  • Theme: TBD.
  • Audience: Small biz folx who’re exploring ways to establish, grow, and/or improve their businesses.
  • Expected Reach: TBD
  • Bundle Price: $9.
  • Coupon Code: TBD.
  • # Contributors: 12-15.
  • Affiliate Links: If you have an affiliate program, I’ll request to sign up so I can use aff links to your Contributions. (And you can join my Aff program and use aff links to the Bundle sign-up page.)
  • Differentiators/Value Props: I’ve got some ideas on how to make this not just a bundle, but an event or experience — both for contributors and subscribers. Details TBD. But, I want this bundle to stand out as something special and deeply impactful. Full disclosure — 2024 is my first year of bundle
About Your Waitlist/Pre-Bundle Event Contribution (Optional)
  • TBD: I’ll update this closer to the Bundle application date.
About Your Booth & Bundle Contribution
  • Contribution Price: Your Contribution must normally sell for at least $15.
  • Contribution Category: Any, but your items should address the needs — functions and activities commonly faced — of small businesses. Learn More
  • Contribution Type: Any. But quick-action items — e.g., templates, swipes, cheatsheets, mini-guides, workflows, checklists, systems, etc. — are preferred.
  • Contribution Requirements & Restrictions: Contributed item must be immediately available to the Subscriber. Contributed item cannot be something you’ve included in another bundle within a month of the Waitlist Open date.
  • Add-Ons: Bumps, tripwires, upsells, downsells, cross-sells, etc. allowed.
About Live Bundle Events (Optional)
  • TBD: I’ll update this closer to the Bundle application date.

⚡Quick Wins Action Pack (Free Bundle) — June 2025

Details that apply to just the QWAP + Links to Application & Contributors’ Hub (Updated: Sept. 10, 2024)


This free mid-year Bundle aims to relight the fire of ambition, motivation, accomplishment — whatever you call that mobilized energy in your belly that drives you to actually get sh*t done and fulfill goals.

The timing of this Bundle is deliberate. We’re trying to reach folx before kids’ summer breaks start, before summer vaca season is in full swing, etc. Plus, you’ll see that the redemption period is relatively short — the whole point is to motivate and mobilize people to keep the momentum going.

Key Dates
  • Contributor Application Opens March 12
  • Contributor Application Closes May 1
  • Waitlist Opens May 27 (12am Pacific Time)
  • Cart Opens June 3 (12am Pacific Time)
  • Cart Closes June 7 (11:59pm Pacific Time)
  • Redeem by June 30 (11:59pm Pacific Time)
About the Bundle
  • Theme: Mid-Year Push.
  • Audience: Action-oriented small biz folx who’re seeking shortcuts and streamlining.
  • Expected Reach: TBD (2024 is the first year for this Bundle.)
  • Bundle Price: Free
  • Coupon Code: ACTWIN2024. If you need a coupon code to make your contribution free, use please this one. If possible, please pre-apply the coupon code so that it’s part of the URL to your landing page — the less copy/pasting and clicking around Subscribers have to do, the better. Thanks!!!
  • # Contributors: 25-30
  • Differentiators/Value Props: I’ve got some ideas on how to make this not just a bundle, but an event or experience — both for contributors and subscribers. Details TBD. But, I want this Bundle to stand out as something special and deeply impactful. Full disclosure — 2024 is my first year of Bundle Hosting.
About Your Contribution
  • Contribution Price: $10-$100. (i.e., Value can be any amount, but the price you normally sell the contributed item for should be at least $10 and not more than $100.)
  • Contribution Category: Your Contribution should fit nicely into at least one of the categories below. I’m looking for 2-3 items per category. Learn More
    • Marketing & Sales
    • Customer/Client Service & Success
    • Business Development & Strategic Partnerships
    • Product/Service Development
    • Operations & Logistics, Business Admin & Management
    • Systems & Tech
    • Program & Project Management
    • Mindset & Workplace Wellness
  • Contribution Type: Templates, forms, checklists, SOPs, swipes, tools, etc. are ideal — resources subscribers can grab and hit the ground running with no “learning curve” time. Items that deliver specific, definable, quick results. Contributed item must be immediately available to the Subscriber. Contributed item cannot be something you’ve included in another bundle within a month of the Waitlist Open date.
    • Prefer no bundles of usually-separately-sold items.
    • No lengthy/complex/many-parts trainings/programs, memberships, 1:1 offers, future live events, or “pre-sells”. But, you can offer this as your Add-On.
  • Add-Ons: Bumps, tripwires, upsells, downsells, cross-sells, etc. allowed as long as no CC is required to check out.

🙌 Success Is Mine! (Freemium Bundle) — Date TBD

Details that apply to just the SIMB + Links to Application & Contributors’ Hub (Updated: Sept. 10, 2024)


This paid Bundle aims to give small biz folx bit-sized, actionable tools, templates, and other resources to help them start planning for next year.

The timing and duration of this Bundle is deliberate. We’re trying to reach folx before holiday chaos begins. We want to give people enough time (but not too much time!) to grab their gifts and start using them before the Halloween to New Years period.

There are 3 tiers for this Bundle so Subscribers can join at a price point that’s comfortable to them. As Contributors, I think this offers a nice balance of list building for volume (i.e., max # of leads) and quality (i.e., warm leads). (And offers an opp to earn a little money in exchange for the work and value we’re putting in.)

Key Dates
  • Contributor Application Opens 9/1/24
  • Contributor Application Closes 10/1/24
  • Waitlist Opens 10/28/2024
  • Cart Opens 11/4/2024
  • Cart Closes 11/8/2024
  • Redeem By 12/6/2024
About the Bundle
  • Theme: Prep and plan for a successful, thriving year ahead.
  • Audience: Action-oriented small biz folx who’re actively seeking shortcuts and streamlining.
  • Expected Reach: TBD
  • Bundle Prices: Free Tier – $0. Paid Tier 1 – $9. Paid Tier 2 – $29.
  • Coupon Code: Free Tier – PLANPREPWIN; Paid Tier 1 – SUCCESS4ME; Paid Tier 2 – ROCKIN2025. If you need a coupon code to make your contribution free, please use these. If possible, please pre-apply the coupon code so that it’s part of the URL to your landing page — the less copy/pasting and clicking around Subscribers have to do, the better. Thanks!!!
  • # Contributors: Free Tier – 10-15. Paid Tier 1 – 15-20. Paid Tier 2 – 15-25. Total – 40-50.
  • Differentiators/Value Props: I’ve got some ideas on how to make this not just a bundle, but an event or experience — both for contributors and subscribers. Details TBD. But, I want this bundle to stand out as something special and deeply impactful. Full disclosure — 2024 is my first year of bundle
About Your Waitlist/Pre-Bundle Event Contribution (Optional)
  • TBD: I’ll update this closer to the Bundle application date.
About Your Bundle Contribution
  • Contribution Price: Free Tier – Under $25. Paid Tier 1 – $25-$75. Paid Tier 2 – Over $75.  (i.e., Value can be any amount, but the price you normally sell the contributed item for should be under $25 for the free tier, between $25 and $75 for the budget paid tier, and at least $75 for the premium paid tier.)
  • Contribution Category: Your Contribution should fit nicely into at least one of the categories below. I’m looking for 2-3 items per category. Learn More
    • Marketing & Sales
    • Customer/Client Service & Success
    • Business Development & Strategic Partnerships
    • Product/Service Development
    • Operations & Logistics, Business Admin & Management
    • Systems & Tech
    • Program & Project Management
    • Mindset & Workplace Wellness
  • Contribution Type – Free Tier: Templates, forms, checklists, SOPs, swipes, tools, etc. are ideal — resources subscribers can grab and hit the ground running with no “learning curve” time. Items that deliver specific, definable, quick results. Contributed item must be immediately available to the Subscriber. Contributed item cannot be something you’ve included in another bundle within a month of the Waitlist Open date.
    • Individual items, as in no bundles of usually-separately-sold items.
    • Bundles, toolkits, packs, etc. (i.e., collections of items that are already being sold together as a single product)
    • Stand-alone workshops or mini-trainings could work as long as they’re short (less than about an hour), pre-recorded/on-demand, and cover a single, well-defined topic.
    • No lengthy/complex/many-parts trainings/programs, memberships, 1:1 offers, future live events, or “pre-sells”. But, you can offer this as your Add-On.
  • Contribution Type – Paid Tiers: Any resource subscribers can grab and hit the ground running with no “learning curve” time. Items that deliver specific, definable, quick results. Contributed item must be immediately available to the Subscriber. Contributed item cannot be something you’ve included in another bundle within a month of the Waitlist Open date.
    • Templates, forms, checklists, SOPs, swipes, tools, etc. are great.
    • Bundles of usually-separately-sold items and multi-part trainings/programs — as long as the items can be accessed in a single place (i.e., subscriber doesn’t need to click multiple links and log in multiple times to access each item in your bundle) — are OK.
    • Stand-alone workshops or mini-trainings as long as they’re short (less than about an hour), pre-recorded/on-demand, and cover a single, well-defined topic.
    • X number of free months membership offers are fine — as long as no CC is required to access. PLR, template-based, and “resource vault” type memberships are a better fit, but coaching and other kinds of memberships may work as well.
    • No 1:1 offers, future live events, or pre-sells. But, you can offer this as your Add-On.
    • No lengthy/complex/many-parts items (focus is still on providing resources that Subscribers can grab and start implementing ASAP). But, you can offer this kind of thing as your Add-On.
  • Add-Ons: Bumps, tripwires, upsells, downsells, cross-sells, etc. allowed as long as no CC is required to check out for your Contribution.

📈 Better Biz Bazaar (Deals & Steals Fest) — Date TBD

Details that apply to just the BBB + Links to Application & Contributors’ Hub (Updated: Sept. 10, 2024)


This Bundle is free to explore, but each item showcased in the Market Hall costs money. But, the items are deeply discounted (at least 50% discount on the regular retail price) and/or have some other kind of epic deal that isn’t available elsewhere (like special bonuses). And if you “haggle” with the Contributor, you just might get an additional sumpin’-sumpin’ tossed in!

Key Dates
  • Contributor Application Opens TBD
  • Contributor Application Closes TBD
  • Waitlist Opens TBD
  • Cart Opens TBD
  • Cart Closes TBD
  • Redeem By TBD
About the Bundle
  • Theme: Connect and exchange.
  • Audience: Small biz folx who’re exploring ways to establish, grow, and/or improve their businesses.
  • Expected Reach: TBD
  • Bundle Price: Free access to Market Hall; each vendor sets their own offers.
  • Coupon Code: None for the sign-up page.
  • # Contributors: 12-15.
  • Affiliate Links: If you have an affiliate program, you must be okay with me signing up and using aff links to your Contributions.
  • Differentiators/Value Props: This will be a unique experience — both for contributors and subscribers! We’ll have a special “Market Hall” and each Contributor will have their own “booth” where they can show their wares and connect with shoppers. I may add some pre-events or resources to facilitate this new format. Additionally, there may be some live events (AMAs, co-working, demos, etc.) in the Hall during the Open Cart period. Details TBD — but this will def be a stand-out bundle!
About Your Waitlist/Pre-Bundle Event Contribution (Optional)
  • TBD: I’ll update this closer to the Bundle application date.
About Your Booth & Bundle Contribution
  • Structure: In your “booth,” you can have up to three separate offers. Your freebie/lead magnet/opt-in can be one of them. You’ll have the ability to be live in your stall so you can interact live with shoppers.
  • Contribution Price: Any, but you’ll be required to offer at least a 50% discount and (optional) some other incentive to buy (e.g, a bonus usually-paid-for item for free or additional mega coupon for other items in your shop).
  • Contribution Category: Any, but your items should address the needs — functions and activities commonly faced — of small businesses. Learn More
  • Contribution Type: Any. Contributed item must be immediately available to the Subscriber. Contributed item cannot be something you’ve included in another bundle within a month of the Waitlist Open date.
  • Haggling Bonus: I encourage you to offer something extra to shoppers who “haggle” (aka connect with you live in the Market Hall or do some specific action — e.g., DM or follow you on IG, comment on a blog post, sign up to your email list and reply with a magic word, etc.). You should set this up so that it’s automated — e.g., using tags. The haggling bonus can be delivered with/as a part of or after the purchase of your Contribution.
  • Add-Ons: Bumps, tripwires, upsells, downsells, cross-sells, etc. allowed.
About Live Bundle Events (Optional)
  • TBD: I’ll update this closer to the Bundle application date.

Why Participate? Because It’ll Be Soooo Worth It!

Contributor Enticements

  • Exposure to my and peers’ growing networks of clients, customers, followers, etc. (I’m BIG on referrals and connecting people and things!) for sweet, sweet list building!
  • Freebie for your audience (Exact lead magnet TBD)
  • Up to 30% affiliate commission on qualified sales (See the Money Matters section below for more details.)
  • Exclusive discount on SBSF products — the templates, worksheets, courses, etc. — in my SB Success Factor shop (Discount is for you as a Contributor/Sponsor, not your audience. Items can’t be used as PLR.)
  • 15-30 minute presentation or discussion on marcom, copywriting, or similar topic for your audience (possibility, limited availability)
  • 30-60 minute implementation, co-working, or accountability session for your audience (possibility, limited availability)

My goal is to [eventually] create Bundles that are more than a mere assemblage of killer resources. I want these to be unique, enjoyable, enriching Experiences for you, me, and our respective audiences. I want these Bundles to be something we all look forward to.

It will probably take some time to realize this vision, but I want you to know the big picture I’ve got in mind. If you have ideas, suggestions, or other feedback that could enhance SBSF Bundles — don’t be shy. Lemme know! Great ideas come from everywhere and everyone all the time, and oftentimes crowdthink can lead to better end results.

Contributor Requirements

Eligibility Criteria

  • No minimum list size or number of followers needed — we’re all here to build our audiences!
  • Must be willing and able to fulfill the promotional requirement stated below.
  • Cannot promote another bundle (or other event, like a summit, that features a bundle) during the Cart Open period.
  • Your Contribution must be completed and have a live landing/sales page when you apply to the respective Bundle.
  • You’re able to receive emails from me.
  • Other Contribution requirements depend on the Bundle/Tier you’re contributing to — be sure to check the details of the bundle’s Contribution Price and Contribution Type.

Email Subscription

Being on my email list is a signal to me that we’re aligned in some way: our work, our mindset, etc.

Bundle applicants will not be added to my email list. But , joining my email list will indicate that you’re invested and engaged.

As a Contributor, if you’re not already on my email list, you’ll be added manually to my email marketing system. While I’ll be sending Affiliate info and materials via my regular email, being on my email list will ensure that you’re attuned to the messages I’m sending regarding the Bundle. I ask that you stay on my email list for at least duration of the bundle — but of course you’re able to unsub anytime. Don’t worry, though, I typically only send 1-2 emails/week and most aren’t sales messages.

BUT! I reciprocate. I’m excited to hop on your email list to see what exciting things you’re offering!

Promo Commitment

Bundles — collabs in general — are only really effective if we all pull our weight. We all need to do our best to let our peeps know these things are available for them.

Email/Social Media Promotion

As a Contributor, you’re committing to publicizing the Bundle. The basic requirement is three promos. Most of the time it should be:

  • 1 Solo Email, 1 Email PS & 1 Social Post
But Let’s Get Real About It

I want you to have options — which is great if you’re like, ” But I have no list….” or “Posting on IG is like screaming into an echo chamber.”

So, if it fits your audience or sitch better, you can do either of the following instead of the 1-1-1 promo scheme mentioned above:

  • 1 Solo Email & 2 Email PSes (if email list is bigger/more engaged than social following)
  • 1 Solo Email & 2 Social Posts (if social following is bigger/more engaged than email list)

You are welcome to do more promoting if you’d like. And you can also promo via blog posts, live events, etc. as long as it is effective and efficient given your audience. Go YOU! 😛


My Bundles will run for 5 days, from 12am PT Monday to 11:59pm Friday, unless otherwise indicated in the details for a particular Bundle.

Your primary solo promo should be done between the start of the Bundle sign-up period and 5pm PT of the third day.

Pre-Bundle & Waitlist Promo

Most of my Bundles will have a waitlist and/or some other pre-Bundle event. The sign-up period for this will be the 7 days leading up to the Bundle Open Cart. When the Bundle opens, the waitlist/pre-event closes.

If there’s a waitlist/pre-Bundle event for the Bundle, you’ll be required to solo promote it one time.

  • You can promo via email, social, blog post, live event — whatever seems right for you and your audience.
  • I’ll provide swipes and graphics for you.
  • The promo should be done between the start of the waitlist/pre-Bundle event sign-up period and 5pm PT of the third day.

Bundle Logo on Sales Page

SBSF Bundles are branded events. As such, prominently featuring the Bundle’s logo on your landing or sales page is required. The logo for each Bundle is included with the swipe assets on the applicable Contributors’ Hub page.

Compliance, Etc.

Money Matters

Costs to Participate

Commissions for Affiliates

All SBSF Bundles will be hosted on ThriveCart. You’ll be able to sign up as an affiliate and use an affiliate code to the registration page and any other promotional materials that accompany the Bundle.

You aren’t required to become an affiliate but I highly recommend doing so. You’re going to be promoting the Bundles anyway — might as well up your earnings potential! 😜

For free Bundles/Tiers, you could earn a commission if anyone buys my bumps or upsells. (Prob won’t get you rich, but you’ll be able to get a cheap cup of coffee!)

For paid Bundle Tiers, you could earn a commission on the price the Subscriber paid for the Bundle and from my bumps or upsells if the Subscriber opts to buy those via my contribution to the Bundle.

You could also earn commissions on my other affiliate-promo-eligible products. If the lead you brought in buys something under your active affiliate code — you’re looking at even more payout. Chaching!!!

So, this means you have the potential to earn way after the Bundle ends.

Again, please refer to the Affiliate Offer page for more details on cookies, commissions, etc.

Can I Be an Affiliate for You?

This is totally optional — but I’m tossing it out there. Bundles are all about collaboration. Both during and after the cart is open.

If you have an Affiliate program that I’m not already part of, and would like me to be, let’s talk! I love supporting fellow small biz folx and regularly promote their offers in various ways.

And, I will ask this on the application to contribute.

Bundle Dates & Timelines

This is a rough sketch. Obvs, each Bundle will have its own slightly skewed dates and details. Key dates are bolded and have a fire emoji (🔥) next to them.

  • Bundle Hub Updated: Ongoing, beginning before Bundle Announcement
  • Contributors’ Hub Updated: Ongoing, beginning before Bundle Announcement
  • Bundle Announcement: At least 5-8 weeks before Cart Open
  • Call for Contributors/Sponsor Opens: At least 5-8 weeks before Cart Open
  • Contributor Application Opens: 5-8 weeks before Cart Open 🔥
  • Contributor Application Closes: 4-5 weeks before Cart Open 🔥
  • Contributor Notification: 3 weeks before Cart Open
  • Contribution Ready Deadline: 2-4 weeks before Cart Open
  • Swipes/Assets Ready for Contributors: 1-3 weeks before Waiting List Open
  • Waiting List Opens: 5-7 days before Cart Open* 🔥
  • Cart Opens: Day 0! 🛒🛒🛒🛒🛒 🔥
  • Cart Closes: 4-5 days after Cart Open 🔥
  • Bundle Recap for Contributors: ASAP after Cart Close
  • Redemption Deadline: 2-4 weeks after Cart Close 🔥
  • Final Results to Contributors: ASAP after Redemption Deadline

* Not all Bundles will have a Waiting List period.

Depending on the Bundle, there will likely be other important events and dates to keep in mind. For example, there may be a Contributors’ Networking Power Hour, a kickoff webinar for people who sign up for the Waitlist, or post-Bundle Implementation Sessions.

Contributors who are accepted into a Bundle will be notified at least 3 weeks before Cart Open. The earlier you submit your application — the more likely I’ll be able to notify you of my decision sooner.

Key Dates

Key dates are also on the Google calendar below should you wish to copy them to your own calendar.

Let’s Talk Process

For the most part, SBSF Bundles are running the same playbook as other bundles.

For Contributors (ie You)

You’ll need to review all the info, submit your application to contribute, and then hang tight til I’ve made the decision on who to accept into the bundle.

I’ll let everyone know if they’ve been accepted or not. Those who’ve been accepted will get access to the Contributors’ Hub, which is where additional info and all the swipes will be hosted.

You’ll need to queue up your promotions. At this point that’s prob all you have to do because your Contribution was done and ready by the time you applied. You’re so ahead of the game!

As we approach the Bundle Cart Open phase, Contributors will get periodic updates and announcements from me.

For Subscribers

Folx who want to grab the Bundle goodies will need to register on a main landing page (hosted on my ThriveCart). Subscribers will be added to my email marketing system and grow my list.

After successfully submitting their first name and email address, Subscribers will be taken to the gift claim landing page on which all the Contributions are listed. Subscribers will click through on the Contributions they want.

If someone clicks on your Contribution, they’ll be taken to your landing page. There, Subscribers will need to provide their details in your form to gain access to your gift. This is when new people will get added to your email marketing system and grow your list!

After that, it’s up to you to fulfill the Subscribers’ claim to your Contribution.

Be an Affiliate

Not yet in the SBSF affiliate program? Learn more and apply.

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