See For Yourself​

The proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say. So, while I can splash a bunch of words on a page, ya might want to:

📚 Check out some work samples with your own eyes.
💌 Hear what people I’ve worked with have to say about the experience.
📈 Get a better idea of how my background translates into value for you.
🎁 Snag a free resource as a baby step to getting to know me better.

Overview, by the Numbers

Like hips, the data don’t lie. So, why should you choose me? I’ve got the marcom chops, of course! (These stats say so….)


Programs, Projects & Relationships I’ve Managed


Years Conquering Diverse Marcom Challenges


Different Industries I Have Experience Working In

Tiny Portfolio​ Glimpse

While every client and project is unique, and the future is infinite, past work can be informative.
Here are a few examples to get your brainsparks flying. I’ve worked on countless things, though, so this is just the tippy-top of the iceberg. So, feel free to ask for other samples!

Happy Clients & Partners

Testimonials paint a telling picture. And, as we know, pictures are worth 1,000 words. So these praises say a lot!

What It All Means for You

Wondering how my skills and traits translate into value for you?

I OfferYou Get
15+ years as a content creator, editor, and managerWell-crafted content that’s consistent, timely, and relevant
An understanding of target audience differentiationMessaging and content that suits people with varying needs and triggers for better engagement and mobilization
The capability to accommodate a variety of media and channelsPlatform-appropriate content that’s impactful and shareworthy 
Adeptness at cross-functional collaborationAssurance of consistent, accurate messaging and product/service development
Experience developing, improving, and managing programs and processesFacilitation and workflows for consistent marketing/support that lend to operational efficiencies
Recognized abilities as a mentor and trainerA team player who can both lead and develop others

And for a Still Broader Perspective

All work and no play…NOPE! I don’t want to be a dull girl.

An eclectic collection of hobbies and interests keeps me entertained and refreshed. Lifelong learning is a non-negotiable for me!

I’m striving daily to be well-rounded, open-minded, always expanding my horizons. I believe this makes me a better person in every way and a more effective marketer/communicator.

  • Finding a truly good cup of coffee
  • Laughing
  • Helping others
  • Sustainability
  • The natural world
  • Wellness
  • Healthy cooking & food hacking
  • Yoga
  • Martial arts
  • Reading
  • Travel
  • Languages & cultures
  • Living abroad
  • Keeping up with technology trends and current events
  • The arts (fine and craft)
  • Design
  • Documentaries
  • BBC-esque period dramas & sci-fi
  • Music
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